When to use ‘hebben’ or ‘zijn’ (perfectum)?

Learn Dutch, When to use hebben or zijn (perfectum)?

When to use ‘hebben’ or ‘zijn’ (perfectum)?

When to use ‘hebben’ or ‘zijn’ (perfectum)?
Everything you want to know about the use of ‘hebben’ or ‘zijn’ to speak and write in the perfectum in Dutch.

What do you mean? ‘Hebben’ or ‘zijn?
You mean, it’s not always the same verb? No, mostly you can use ‘hebben’, but sometimes you need to use the verb ‘zijn’ to create the perfectum in Dutch.

Hoe laat is de les begonnen? We hebben het begin gemist!

Ik ben op de fiets naar de markt geweest. Ik ben gevallen! Mariah heeft mij geholpen.

Hoe laat begint de les?
Not yet sure how to answer that question in a correct Dutch sentence when the lesson has already started? Here you learn all about when to use ‘hebben’ and when to use ‘zijn’. In case everything is already clear for you, then you can use this pdf for a better understanding.

Hereby all information to get you started. You will learn to speak in correct Dutch sentences.
Click here to open a pdf and start learning!

If you hesitate and aren’t sure or you can use a bit of support, just reach out to me. Through this form (click here) or LinkedIn (click here).

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Heb je de pdf al geopend? Ben je al begonnen met leren? 😉

Veel succes,

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