
How to use 'the same' in Dutch? In Dutch language we have to words for 'the same': hetzelfde en dezelfde. Wij hebben op dezelfde dag hetzelfde shirt aan. When to use which one? If 'the same' is placed before a noun: - dezelfde before 'de' words - hetzelfde before 'het' words For...

Learn about using the perfectum in Dutch. Wat heb jij gisteren gedaan? Ik heb gisteren gewerkt. What have you done yesterday? Not yet sure how to answer that question in a correct Dutch sentence? Here you learn all about 'soft ketchup'. Or is 'soft ketchup' already familiair to...

Worried about the Dutch word order? It's indeed different from a lot of other languages. But, no worries, I've got your back. Hereby information about Dutch word order. You will learn all about the basic Dutch word order in a main clause. Click here to open a...