My personal story

Hello, my name is Nicole. I’d like to tell you my personal story. During my year in Nigeria I felt more than once a bit lost and misunderstood. The language was hard for me to understand and after a few months I also experienced the inevitable culture shock. I found my way out of all those things and learned how to cope with it.
As an expert by experience, NLP Master and certified teacher Dutch as a second language, I love to support you in finding your way in a new culture, so there will be more mutual understanding; BETTER UNDERSTANDING.
I would love to meet you in person or online to talk about the challenges you are facing while being in the Netherlands. I will share my own experiences and give you some concrete guidance. I will give you tips and tricks reaching your goals in the Netherlands, I am supporting you in learning the Dutch language, share about the Dutch culture and even possibly the misunderstanding you are facing.
I believe the world needs more love and for me it all starts with better understanding. That’s why I love to help you achieving your goals.

How it all started...

“It is time for us!” That was the answer it all started with…
The start is what stops most people! So please, take the first tiny step… You will never regret.

“How do we want to live our life now the children are grown-ups? What do we think is important for us to leave behind? Is it time for a chance? Is it time to redesign our life? Again? It definitely is: TIME FOR US!” That was the answer it all started with! Now we are working on our dreams. We do work, but when possible we do travel. Recently for half a year in South East Asia.


We are a happy Dutch couple with a cute little dog and a lot of international experience. Huib has an Indonesian background and was raised in two cultures. During his career he went to a lot of different African countries, Arab states, US and the eastern part of Europa as an international adviser and negotiator while Nicole went traveling on her own in different countries around the world and worked for about a year with an NGO in Nigeria.


I am here to make sure you are ready for it!

We both love to be with people from different cultural backgrounds as it does enrich our lives. We believe that the different perspectives it brings makes you stronger, not only as a team, but also as an individual.

Nicole has lots of experience in sustainable employability and does inspire people to take a step forward and make a change. She’s very sensitive to the needs of others. Personal development has always been something she sees as important in her personal live. I love to work with you as you are also willing to work for change.

Do contact me with any question you have, I am here to support you in the change you want!